dot size:
dot size ... this sets the resolution. It is the size, in pixels,
of the smallest simulation unit on the screen. Affects RESTART.
number of steps:
number of steps ... or iterations, that the simulation will run for.
between steps (milliseconds):
between steps ... the speed of the simulation is
controlled by this delay between steps, in milliseconds.
'least horrid enabled' ... this sends the buds in the direction of
least concentration of the horrid material.
'stop enabled' ... this allows a bud to stop growing (by disabling its tip),
if it meets certain conditions, e.g. being surrounded by more horrid than its 'horrid tolerance'.
horrid tolerance:
horrid tolerance ... if 'stop enabled', this is the level of horrid that stops a bud from growing.
optional branch:
optional branch ... draw an additional, somewhat smoother line, over the branching buds.
branch reduction:
branch reduction ... is a factor in optional branch.
branch split:
branch split is experimental ... it attempts to pull structures into a higher-level object,
subject to additional conditions.
branch length:
branch length ... splitting a branch is triggered at this length.
horrid moves ... make the horrid, expelled by the buds, drift away in its original direction.
not over:
not over .. no growth or branching if it must overwrite a bud (in the planar case).
no touch:
no touch .. no growth or branching if it must come within one space of another bud (in the planar case).
random choice:
random choice .. the tip grows towards a randomly chosedn least_horrid non-bud.
mark branch:
mark branch .. where a bud branches, there is a differently colored marker.
horrid stops after ... that is, the body of the bud releases horrid for this many steps.